Corso certificato

 Presentazione del corso

Questo corso su Microsoft Office 365 si rivolge agli IT professional che si occupano della valutazione, planning, deployment dei servizi Microsoft Office 365, compresa la gestione delle identità, dipendenze, requisiti.

Il corso si focalizza sulle competenze per effettuare il setup di un tenant Office 365, compresa la federazione con altre identità, nonché sulle competenze per richieste per gestire il tenat e i suoi utenti.


Al termine del corso gli allievi saranno in grado di:

  • Plan an Office 365 deployment, configure the Office 365 tenant, and plan a pilot deployment.
  • Manage Office 365 users, groups, and licenses, and configure delegated administration.
  • Plan and configure client connectivity to Office 365.
  • Plan and configure directory synchronization between Microsoft Azure AD and on-premises AD DS.
  • Plan and implement the Office 365 ProPlus deployment.
  • Plan and manage Microsoft Exchange Online recipients and permissions.
  • Plan and configure Exchange Online services.
  • Plan and configure Microsoft Teams
  • Plan and configure Microsoft SharePoint Online.
  • Plan and configure an Office 365 collaboration solutions.
  • Plan and configure the integration between Office 365 and Microsoft Azure Information Protection.
  • Monitor and review Office 365 services, and troubleshoot Office 365 issues.
  • Plan and implement identity federation between on-premises AD DS and Azure AD.


Per partecipare con profitto a questo corso gli allievi devono possedere i seguenti prerequisiti:

  • Un minimo di due anni di esperienza nell’amministrazione del sistema operativo Windows Server (Windows Server 2012 o successivo)
  • Un minimo di un anno di esperienza di lavoro con AD DS
  • Un minimo di un anno di esperienza di lavoro con la risoluzione dei nomi, incluso il DNS
  • Esperienza di lavoro con i certificati, compresi i certificati PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)
  • Esperienza di lavoro con Windows PowerShell
  • Esperienza di lavoro con Exchange Server 2013 o successivo, Lync Server 2013 o Skype for Business Server 2015, e SharePoint Server 2013 o successivo (prerequisito non richiesto, ma senz’altro utile)


Il corso si rivolge a Professionisti IT


Module 1: Planning and provisioning Office 365

  • Overview of Office 365
  • Provisioning an Office 365 tenant
  • Planning a pilot deployment

Module 2: Managing Office 365 users and groups

  • Managing user accounts and licenses
  • Managing passwords and authentication
  • Managing security groups in Office 365
  • Managing Office 365 users and groups with Windows PowerShell
  • Configuring administrative access

Module 3: Configuring client connectivity to Microsoft Office 365

  • Planning for Office 365 clients
  • Planning connectivity for Office 365 clients
  • Configuring connectivity for Office 365 clients

Module 4: Planning and configuring directory synchronization

  • Planning and preparing for directory synchronization
  • Implementing directory synchronization by using Azure AD Connect
  • Managing Office 365 identities with directory synchronization

Module 5: Planning and deploying Office 365 ProPlus

  • Overview of Office 365 ProPlus
  • Planning and managing user-driven Office 365 ProPlus deployments
  • Planning and managing centralized deployments of Office 365 ProPlus
  • Office Telemetry and reporting

Module 6: Planning and managing Exchange Online recipients and permissions

  • Overview of Exchange Online
  • Managing Exchange Online recipients
  • Planning and configuring Exchange Online permissions

Module 7: Planning and configuring Exchange Online services

  • Planning and configuring email flow in Office 365
  • Planning and configuring email protection in Office 365
  • Planning and configuring client access policies
  • Migrating to Exchange Online

Module 8: Planning and deploying Microsoft Teams

  • Teams Explained
  • Deploying Teams
  • Authentication and Access
  • Transitioning Skype For Buisness to Microsoft Teams
  • Management and Reporting

Module 9: Planning and configuring SharePoint Online

  • Configuring SharePoint Online services
  • Planning and configuring SharePoint Online site collections
  • Planning and configuring external user sharing

Module 10: Planning and configuring an Office 365 collaboration solution

  • Planning and managing Yammer Enterprise
  • Planning and configuring OneDrive for Business
  • Configuring Office 365 groups

Module 11: Planning and configuring security and compliance in Office 365

  • Overview of the compliance features in Office 365
  • Planning and configuring Azure Information Protection in Office 365
  • Managing the compliance features in Office 365

Module 12: Monitoring and troubleshooting Microsoft Office 365

  • Troubleshooting Office 365
  • Monitoring Office 365 service health

Module 13: Planning and configuring identify federation

  • Understanding identity federation Planning an AD FS deployment
  • Deploy AD FS for identity federation with Office 365
  • Planning and implementing hybrid solutions (Optional)



35 ore


  • 10 Hours



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